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Parks & Recreation 07/16/12 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, July 16, 2012
Room 10, Town Hall at 8:15pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick, Patricia Fillmore (PF), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM), Ron Kern (RK), Marty Tilton (MT)
Call to order: 7:08pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker

Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes: 5/7/12, 5/21/12, 6/18/12, 6/25/12
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 5/7/12 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 5/21/12 as is.
(HC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 6/18/12 as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1 * (MF)
Motion passed

(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 6/25/12 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

New Business
•       Cart Vending at the Park
Recap from prior meeting. Discussion had. (PF) Pat stated that if we let in one person we could open a can of worms.  (HC) Heidi agreed. (MF) Mike state if someone wanted to come in for one day then ok, long standing then no. (SC) Sergio stated that as long as it did not interfere with park business then he has no problem with it. (PF) Pat asked if we have to put it out to bid and Maureen responded no. (BL) Billie said that we need to determine what area of the parks would be acceptable to let a vendor at and we would need to specify
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guidelines, especially if someone is renting the park are. (SC) Sergio asked if we charged Ray Penney any fees. (MS) Maureen responded no that we were just trying the idea out. Any outside vendor needs to be approved by the Board of Health first. The committee decided that if we go forward that a fee would be appropriate, $50 per season.  We would have a permit with perimeters. (BL) Billie wants any/all outside vendors to be C.O.R.E. checked by us.

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept 1 outside cart vendor according to guidelines, policies
     and procedures written up by Maureen Stevens, with fee structure.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved:  3            Opposed:  2             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

•       HS Baseball/Softball Fields-Table

•       HS Tennis Courts at IRP (SS/RM)
Rita asked Sheila to summarize for her.  Rita is asking if someone raised the monies, other than the monies coming from P&R, for a 3rd tennis court to be installed at IRP in the location of the current Bocce court/horseshoe pits.  The tennis court would be installed to help the HS tennis team while the MS is under construction and those courts have been removed. Rita is in favor of this.  Discussion was had.
(LC) Lynne is against; (PF) agrees with Lynne, (MF) Mike doesn’t think it is worth it, (SC) Sergio agrees with Lynne about money concerns, but if someone other than P&R and HCC gave the monies to us he does not mind, (HC) Heidi agrees with concerns, (BL) Billie agrees with concerns.

(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to entertain the idea of putting in a 3rd tennis court at IRP where the Bocce/horseshoe pit area is, only if the monies come from some other source other than Parks & Recreation, LUC, FONRPRC, Hillview country Club or any other affiliated resource.
(HC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario seconds the motion.
Discussion had:
(MS) This will give the school the ability to take over all the courts for HS use and will completely eliminate the availability of any courts for P&R Tennis program to cancel, therefore eliminating that income source.
                Approved:  0            Opposed:  5             Abstained:  0
Motion DID NOT pass

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion that if the opportunity presents itself to put another tennis court at IRP Adjacent to the existing courts.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion.
Discussion had:  Do we even want another court at IRP?
Approved:  0            Opposed:  5             Abstained:  0
Motion DID NOT pass

•       Turf HS Practice Field contributions-Table

•       Fireworks at BBQ (SS/RM)
Sheila summarized on Rita’s behalf. Bring Back the 4th of July Committee (BBTFC) is having another meeting and they are asking if they can hold the fireworks on 9/15/12 and they are asking if P&R would like to do a BBQ at them.  They stated that if P&R did do a BBQ the BBTFC still feels obligated to let the original vendors back on this date as well.  
(MS) Maureen stated that the BBTFC does not actually have a permit for that date yet; they just called to inquire if the date was available.  They were told that they would need to come up with a plan, present it to Marty and have it approved in order to gain a permit. (PF) Pat believes that the BBTFC should come to one of our meeting s to present their idea because of the 4th of July event was so difficult.

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Anne Valade came to meeting at 8:03pm asking if P&R has made a decision regarding a bbq.  She let us know there would be no other vendors at such an event. Pat Fillmore asked how the BBFC could proceed if they had a deficit.  Anne clarified that they are financially ok and there is no deficit.  P&R stated that they are not interested in hosting a BBQ for this event.  

Old Business
•       Skate Park Update (SS/RM)
Sheila summarized on Rita’s behalf. Rita wanted to ask the committee that if everyone is ok with moving forward with the rules, policies, procedures and fees for Skate Park could they take a vote tonight to move forward. She would like to get it in the paper ASAP, and have Marty do a new sign.
The committee agreed no vote is needed as it was already voted on at the last meeting.  Move forward.

•       Park Director Update (MS/MT)
Maureen summarized on Marty’s behalf.  
1.      Air Conditioner at Rec Ctr: Maria called because air conditioner was not working. Called in a technician who came out to inspect.  Technician said that a capacitor was stolen from the unit.  He knew this because the unit had to of been taken apart in order for the capacitor to be taken out and the unit was put back together as if nothing was wrong.  This was a $192 repair.

•       Recreation Director Update(LC)
1.      Scholarships: We received $2334 in scholarship requests.  They were all granted. These are all partial scholarships; we do not give out full scholarships.  We received $1576 in sponsor a child donations.  That means the difference of $758 was absorbed by the program. The families who received scholarships have been very grateful and accommodating.  
2.      Summerscape Program: The Little school has its pro’s and con’s.  Overall it is going well. Bought a tent because there is no shaded area down there.  Had to replace the waterslide this year.  There are between 60-75 kids a day there. Staff rotates taking time off if numbers are down on any given day.
3.      Kid Connection: the numbers are way down. Not sure why. We have an extended day on Thursday.  We are getting good feedback on the program content.  Maria rotates staff as to letting them go if numbers are down.
4.      Tennis: PW Tennis numbers are down as well.  

•       Operation Director Update (MS)
1.      Financial Update: P&R was cut $22,000 at the town meeting due to lack of public attendance.  The Town accountant wants us to pick up the cost of salary increases ourselves.  Maureen is going to have new warrant article on October meeting.  We will know more by next meeting.
2.      Clarke Park Playground equipment: Margie Salt wanted to order the playground equipment for the Clarke Park upgrade. Maureen told Margie to wait and that we need 3 quotes.
3.      Wine and Food: Maureen informed the committee that P&R can not purchase the wines for the wine and food events.  Must be done through FONRPRC in the future.
4.      BBQ 7/18:  Weather looks questionable.  Will keep everyone informed if we are cancelling. BBQ’s going very smoothly.

•       LUC Updates (SS/RM)
1.      Golf Tournament: the golf tournament will be held on 9/30/12.  Save the date cards will be going out soon. We can put a flyer at the BBQ series.

•       FONRPRC Updates (SS)
1.      4th of July:  As devastating of a night as it was.  It see’s that we did make a small profit.
2.      Fun Run: We are trying to plan a fun run for the 8/8 BBQ.

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•       Other Business